I also think there may or may not be (more likely than not) a few giveaway, contests, prizes, etc in the future..because dang it, this was just so much fun! So keep your eyes peeeled (yes i know there shouldn't be 3 e's..I have a weird habit of adding an extra letter here and there..its one of my quirks :)
So without further Ado...
A BIG CONGRATULATIONS GOES TO.......(maybe i should just make everyone wait longer..that would be fun...no?? hehe) By the way..this is so obviously not a picture of me..I don't think it would have been appropriate for me to be photographed eating cupcakes naked on my Birthday - This my BFF's baby girl Mckenna on her 1st Birthday..much more appropriate and cute wouldn't you say?!

Thank you to everyone who entered..I ended up just picking the name from a hat..fair and square like...
Ashley, I look forward to meeting you and capturing your family moments in the near future. ( I will contact you by email to arrange a date, time, swap info, get acquainted etc)
As for everyone else(because you are all winners in my book!!) I look forward to hopefully still having the opportunity to capture your moments as well..Alot of you I have worked with in the past, and would love to work with again, and for those of you who I haven't yet had the chance to capture..I hope to be able to.
Thanks for the L-O-V-E Everyone!
dev :)
WOO HOO!!! I think the last time I won something was when I was 10. I am so excited!! I don't know if you want to talk about this through e-mail or phone call or what... so you can leave a comment on my blog if you want or e-mail me.
that was so fun! I couldn't wait to see who won. I hope I can help out with lots of sessions this year! I love being a part of it! love ya friend!
I agree with Kelli...that was fun! The anticipation makes it exciting...congrats Ashley!
What are your rates anyways, Devon? I've been thinking for quite some time now that I'd like you to do our photos, and have been meaning to ask. Maybe you could email me some details at jaholladay@gmail.com
I really should have entered. Blast. But I'm so excited that my good friend Ashley won! Congrats Ashley!! Have fun with her fam Devon. She's an awesome gal.
I love that everyone thought this was funnnn!(there i go with the extra letters again..lol) Im excited to meet The Smith's..and I am definitely getting more excited for this spring..when shooting will take off again..its time..
and yes Ashley..you should have entered...that was silly of you. lol
Alana..I added you to my client page..info is on there.
Kelli..get your assistant shirt outta the closet..you know i love it when you come along!
WOW! Loving your posts Dev! Adoring to read! Hope things are super! ANd YAY, spring is almost here...
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